AMiS optimiert den Arbeitsablauf im Gesundheitswesen mit revolutionären Technologien. Wir helfen Krankenschwestern, Apothekern und anderen Gesundheitsfachkräften, intelligenter, schneller und sicherer zu arbeiten. Im Laufe der Jahre haben wir AMiS in vielen Gesundheitseinrichtungen integriert. Möchten Sie wissen, was der AMiS für Ihr Krankenhaus tun kann? Lesen Sie unsere Referenzfälle unten.
New hospital in Bratislava fully equipped with AMiS
Next Generation Hospital Nemocnica Bory is a brand-new hospital in Bratislava, Slovakia. After a long period with intensive cooperation, the complete hospital is rolled out with AMiS-PRO for the nursing workflows and AMiS-X for the doctors. In total 54 AMiS-PRO’s are in use in the hospital and 31 AMiS-X. Additionally, 8 transportation carts are used for medication transport.

A big step forward in speed, quality and safety
At AZ Jan Palfijn (Belgium), every department works with Alphatron Medical’s mobile care station AMiS. About half of them are combined with a vital signs monitor. The hospital in Ghent took this solution into use in phases last year. Employees were immediately enthusiastic when they started working with it. The speed, quality and safety of the care process improved by leaps and bounds.

Smart and safe medication solution
Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital (CWZ) in the Netherlands switched to a completely new digital medication process. This way, the hospital aims to further increase medication safety for patients and staff while automating and optimising the medication distribution process. AMiS’ medication solution was the best solution, You can assign a patient a personal medication drawer. When the nurse scans the patient’s wristband, the patient’s administration screen in the EHR automatically opens. At the touch of a button, the corresponding patient-specific medication drawer then opens.

Working safer and more efficient
The decision to purchase new equipment is often made at the executive level. At Reade center for rehabilitation in Amsterdam, the Netherlands it was different. There it was nurse Marije van Capel who, together with other nurses, saw that the medication process could be a lot safer and more efficient. Together with her team, she arranged for new care stations. With the AMiS care stations nurses can enter comments or questions from the patient directly on the computer screen. In addition, with the care stations, you can immediately conduct vital signs checks, report and sign off medication. You do everything on one care station. It all just works together in a much more pleasant way.

Kuopio University Hospital acquired AMiS smart clinical carestations
The design of the new hospital wards at Kuopio University Hospital focused in particular on improving efficiency. One new solution was the introduction of AMiS for nurses, which will significantly optimize their workflow. At the same time, walking between the patient’s room and the medication room will no longer be necessary.

Maastricht University Medical Center: Open the correct medication bin directly from the EHR!
Maastricht University Medical Center has started using the smart medication solution known as MedSafe in 2021. ‘This solution optimizes the safety of medication and has simplified the work of my nurses,’ explains Head Nurse Robbert Nelissen. ‘Our new medication dispensing system MedSafe electronically links every patient to their own medicine bin in the mobile care station,’ explains Tino Bellemakers enthusiastically. ‘The software ensures that the medication bin of only one specific patient gets opened.

Bravis Hospital invests in smart medication carts
Since early November, the nursing units at Bravis Hospital in Roosendaal and Bergen op Zoom have been using AMiS-PRO – an innovative mobile care station that doubles as a medical cart and workstation. Project managers Jay Barendse and Imke van Merrienboer and Marcel Swijnenburg, care manager at the acute complex surgery unit in Bergen op Zoom, were closely involved in the selection, procurement, and roll-out of the AMiS-PRO. Download the case now via the button below.

Five years of using AMiS in Klinikum Lueneburg
Klinikum Lueneburg is an acurate care hoospital 13 clinics and institutes as well as five clinic departments with currently 527 beds. Today the clinics are working with 90 AMiS Clinical Workstations. in March 2019 the hospital decided to expand their fleet AMiS for the new hospital building. Klinikum Lueneburg is the academic teching hospital of the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) and maintains its own school for nursing professions.

Meander Medical Centre: Very happy with the arrival of AMiS-PRO!
At the end of October, all nursing wards of the Meander Medical Centre in Amersfoort were equipped with brand-new AMiS-PRO’s. Marcel Loomans (IT purchaser for Meander) and the senior nurses Jip Lubberink and Samira Yürümez were involved in the process that ultimately resulted in opting for this state-of-the-art, multi-functional, mobile clinical carestation.

New phlebotomy carts
The old phlebotomy carts at Erasmus MC began to show various malfunctions. Alphatron Medical introduced the idea of AMiS as a phlebotomy cart. We decided to develop a pilot cart: a phlebotomy cart based on our wishes. This was followed by a development and testing process. Alphatron developed various specific features tailored to the wishes of Erasmus MC. This includes, for example, the position of the trash can and the placement and attachment of the hand sanitizer pump. Another example is the specially designed holder for the label printer, to keep it in place. Also, at our request, Alphatron developed a glove holder. We wanted to have the most compact glove rack possible at the back of the AMiS, containing three different sizes of gloves. The result is impressive. And our Infection Prevention Unit thought so too.

“Thanks to the active mode of the monitor, I can now update the administration and make eye contact with the patient at the same time.”